Shiretoko named for the Japanese Peninsula and a UN world heritage site (aren't we the smart ones) seems to be the development release leg for 3.5 - replacing GranParadiso? While Namoroka (a unique nature reserve in northeastern Madagascar) seems to be the 3.6 development release leg. Note: For Firefox 3 and perhaps after, Minefield will remain the development version and always have 'pre' in the string, whereas GranParadiso is the release leg and will not have 'pre' in the string - so there you go. The historic Phoenix and Firebird strings are still on the main page 'cos we like to remind 'em of their humble beginnings. Essentially (if we can paraphrase a very big page) the mozilla design team are saying that they will develop a set of components (browser, mail client, editor (composer) and others) which will work well together but will have their own development priorities and timeframes, rather than the current monolithic Mozilla structure. The Mozilla roadmap shows Firefox as the browser for the next generation of Mozilla. Firebird/Phoenix has morph'd into Firefox. This is the complete list of all Firefox strings that we have ever found or received - including those on the main page.
We keep only the most current and major releases in the main page.